Another Fontana weekend and another motor gone! I don’t know what it is about that race track. On the positive side we are very fast. On the negative, we lose motors. This was the second Auto Club Speedway weekend of the year and the second time we have lost a motor. In this case we lost cylinder #8. We were able to complete all three races in Camaro-Mustang Challenge 2 in order to accumulate points and hold our position for the season, however we were by no means in a position to vie for a win. We chose not to run in Performance Touring B in order to preserve the motor for CMC2.
As you can see from the pictures on the Gallery page, there was a decent turn-out for CMC2, and cars in general. The weekend was spectacular with weather unseasonably cool and the lap times were very, very fast. We had a car that would have both run up front in CMC2 and would have been the class of the field in PTB.
So, for us, it is off to the engine builder in order to have our motor failure analyzed and rebuilt. Our goal is to have the motor in the car in advance of a NASA weekend in which we do not compete in order to do some testing and run-in. That weekend is August 21 and 22 at Thunderhill Raceway Park and is approaching very rapidly. Charles already has the motor out of the car and at the builder. Our time line is compressed as we have an eye on our departure date of Sunday, September 12 for the NASA
National Championships at Miller Motorsports Park in Tooele, Utah. This event will host NASA’s best-of-the-best from throughout the US! And, it will represent the unveiling of a completely new and exciting look for the Life’s Good Racing!TM Camaro. We will be competing both in CMC2 and PTB at that event.
With the help of our sponsor, Vital-Signs, we will also display a new wrap specifically and uniquely designed for the National Championship event proudly displaying Hawk Performance, AIP Electronics, and ClutchMasters in addition to the renowned LED technology company, Bridgelux. We are excited about creating this new look and showing it off at this national event!
Stay Tuned!
Karl Chicca, Campbell, CA